Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our New Home on Sept 18th

*all names have been changed for privacy reasons

So, this is the house that we just found out will be ours on Sept 18th!  Amy and I are very excited and can't wait to move in.  For the last month our apartment has been in chaos, which makes us feel like life is in chaos.  For the next 3 weeks we'll be living at Amy's parents and waiting to move in!  We can't wait!!!  Pray that it continues to move along smoothly!


Martin Acosta said...

Hola! Gracias por escribir en mi blog. Te estoy adjuntando un link http://www.decox.com.ar/PUBLI.jpg con el nuevo producto CUADROS en Bastidor impresos sobre lienzo Ochentosos
Esperamos que sean de tu agrado. Se encuentran a la venta y se hacen entregas vivas donde vivas!


John said...

Pretty nifty looking house. Is that a baby carriage I see? Any other news you want to share ???!!!! :-)

(I know, these are pictures from the former owner. )